Thursday, January 26, 2012

Alchemist Heady Topper

After being hit by Hurricane Irene, the beloved Alchemist Pub & Brewery is no longer with us today; However; John and Jennifer Kimmich continue to run their revamped brewery/ cannery with the Heady Topper being their one and only staple. This delightfully crafted American Double IPA is loaded with American Hops, yet is one of the most drinkable IPA's I have come across.

Alcohol Content: 8.0%
IBU: ?
Malts: ?
Hops: ?

Medium: 16oz can poured into a pint glass
Price: $13.00 for a 4-pack of 16oz cans

Aroma: Even upon opening the can it releases a pleasantly strong floral and citrus of grapefruits and oranges. After pouring it into a glass I noticed the strong grapefruit-like aroma become more sour/ tart. The hop presence is never quelled throughout the entire session. The malt profile is almost impossible to put a nose to.
Appearance: Poured for a super hazy, golden copper to orange color with a very small white head and little retention.  Tiny bubbles are constantly flowing throughout, suggesting a good amount of carbonation.
Flavor: Pale sweet malts upfront with a slight caramel sweetness. The caramel notes actually get stronger or become more apparent in the middle and linger a bit within the bitter hop finish. Hop profile is floral, grassy, and resiny/ dense becoming more citrus-like and grapefruity in the finish and aftertaste. Not overly dry and possesses some mouth-watery effects on the sides of the mouth/ tongue. Definitely hop balanced with a lingering sweetness that may be overlooked by many.
Mouthfeel: Moderate body with a moderately strong carbonation. Some degree of alcohol warmth giving it a bit of a hot mouthfeel (subtle). The mouth-watering effects balance the resiny coat of dry hops nicely.
Overall Impression: Freshness is key to this one - They highly recommend drinking it from the can and not pouring it into a glass to ensure the intended hop experience. I will note that the hop profile became more grassy and less grapefruit-like/ citrusy during the session. At $13.00 for a 4-pack of 16oz cans its definitely still worth it. Extremely drinkable and a great experience for any occasion - beach friendly too!

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