Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rock Art IPA (II)

Offering bigger and bolder beer flavors, the Rock Art Double IPA is part of the Brewery's Extreme product line. Like other hoppy ales, it is suggested to serve this IPA a little warmer (50-55 degrees F). Kristine and I headed to the Brewery to take a look around and sample some other beers on tap, including the Double IPA, Jasmine Herb Pale Ale, Pumpkin Imperial Spruce Stout, and Black Moon IPA.

Alcohol Content: 8%
IBU: 90
Malts: ?
Hops: ?

Price: $3.50/ 22oz bomber @ the Brewery
Medium: Poured into an English tulip pint glass

Aroma: Floral, perhaps grassy with a complimenting fruitiness - not sure if this is from the hops or the yeast. Hops also present a slightly spicy character but not overly strong. The supporting malt backbone is of light toffee and biscuits or bready notes. A little sweeter than I would expect for an Imperial. Acidic/ tartness present and no strong alcohol aromas for an 8%.
Appearance: Slightly hazy with a deal of larger "snowflake" particles present. Presented for a deep golden amber with a persistent off-white/ tan head.
Flavor: Initially sweet with some light butterscotch and toffee flavors (subtle). This is overrun by the presence of off-flavors hitting about mid-pallet. This includes, but is not limited to, phenolic, sour/acidic, grassy, and stale flavors. Bitterness is sharp and unpleasant. Finish was rather stale and the aftertaste was slick with some lingering dryness.
Mouthfeel: Moderate body with some alcohol warmth. Lacked a decent hop character; Instead, it was rather harsh/ unpleasant combined with a waxy coat. Somewhat tart/ acidic. Moderately low carbonation.
Overall Impression: This was just one of those experiences that was problematic for a combination of reasons. I sampled it at the brewery and had a way different experience than the bottle I took home, so I'll be on the lookout to try it again and overwrite my notes. Not at all what I would expect from an Imperial.


  1. $3.50 a bomber! That's awesome.

  2. They are so much more expensive at City Market/ other grocery stores. Cheaper directly from the brewery.

  3. Usually somewhere in the 6$ range
