
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Magic Hat Feast of Fools

One of three Stouts currently available during the winter season, Feast of Fools features a limited batch of raspberry-infused stout (in this case raspberry extract). The other two winter varieties are Heart of Darkness (available in variety packs) and their "artifactory" series Maple Chocolate Stout. I was able to pick up a wax-dipped 22oz bottle of Feast of Fools to bring home for the snowy evening.

Alcohol Content: 5.3%
IBU: 28
Malts: 2-Row Pale, Cara, Munich, Chocolate, Roasted Barley
Hops: Columbus

Price: 8$/ Holiday wax-dipped bomber
Medium: Pint glass

Aroma: Intensely fruity, borderline perfume-like esters form from the combination of an english ale yeast and raspberry extract. The raspberry aromas are supported by cocoa and roast. A highly sweet malty nose suggests an overly sweet, "syrupy" beer. No hop aroma.
Appearance: 22 oz bomber perfectly dipped in dark red wax with a little gift card attached to the neck of the bottle for the holiday season. Poured a thick mocha head with good retention. Mostly black with some ruby red highlights in bright lighting.
Flavor: Sweet, malty, and syrupy as the nose suggests. Raspberry plays a major role mid-palate and becomes the showcase into the aftertaste. Malts provide extra sweetness to play with the raspberry extract. Roast is light for the style, with more emphasis on the cocoa notes from presumably from chocolate malt. No hop flavors, some bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Bitterness is moderately low in comparison to a heavy malt body. Cloyingly sweet on the tongue and sides of the mouth (syrupy). Carbonation moderately high to help alleviate the heavy body (to some degree). Some creaminess is good. Some alcohol warmth. Served at about 55F.
Overall Impression: A good beer in many regards; On the other hand, perhaps a little too much carbonation was dialed in to compensate for the overly sweet, heavy body. Raspberry extract provides more of a perfume-like quality that disagrees with my palate and nose. 22oz is a lot to handle and one pint was more than enough to sip on for the evening. An obvious pairing would be dark fruit desserts or chocolate cake.

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